Useful links
Don't expect a long list of kitelinks here: Andrew (KFS) did all the hard work already...
so just some links (more or less related to kites) that I have found to be helpful and that are rare on other sites.

KFS: the most comprehensive kitesite. Maintained by Andrew Beattie. Lots of links, plans, and info. If you're looking for more info on kites than you probably can handle this is the site to visit. Don't forget to download the bookmarkfile!

Deja News: An exellent search engine for newsgroups. Divided in two sections: one for recent articles and one for articles older than two months:
Example: a search on "rec.kites paint" will give all rec.kites articles written regarding painting sails.

A very good shareware program to plot airfoil templates. After you give in coordinates ( in % ) you can change the shape of the section in various ways, and make full size template printouts, even on a normal printer. If you're experimenting with soft kites this is a must-have.

On-Line Aerodynamics
If you want to learn more about airfoils this is the place to be: a complete textbook on aerodynamics..

Peter Peters homepage
An exellent site on kites: Plans and a lot more... check it out!

IBM Patent server
Want to know about US patents regarding kites? This is the place to search: US patents dating back to 1971 ( they are working their way back in time ). Don't forget to take a look at the weird patent warned: this is a highly addictive site.
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